Some files, on
which the founders of GMG TECH
have already worked:
1. Production of
water by ecological way
The negative environmental impact of desalination was the
origin of this reflex.
- Studies of the physicochemical phenomena of the
ecological production of water
- Technical-economic studies of various technologies
2. Solar
They are mainly three research orientations:
- The statement with concentration
- Thermal solar concentration
- The thermodynamic solar die
The purpose of research is to identify the various actors
of these sectors, progress and the innovations technologies, the various
research programs, and the various existing installations.
3. Luffa Patent
It is an organic and 100% biodegradable foam containing
urea polymer intended for landscape installation and the production out-ground
“culture under greenhouse”.
Luffa makes it possible to ensure a saving in water of
90%, an increase in the process of growth of the plants and an increase in the
production. Thus the advantages are unlimited.
Luffa presents effective answers to fight against the
turning into a desert. Several applications were carried out offering
impressive results.
Meeting and discussion with the owner of technology
Study of the various aspects: technique, commercial and
4. ECO TOWER – Patent
The ECO Tower is a technological revelation in the field
of the production of water and electricity.
- Studies of the various phenomena which come into play
- Discussion with the owner of the patent
5. Vegetable Wall:
Patent belongs to Mr. Patrick BLANC
Notion and impact of the vegetable wall
The cost of the installation
6. Biological Agriculture:
- Identification of a list of labialized BIO technologies
- The market of products BIO
- Comparative Studies
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